18If the world hateth you, ye know that it hath hated me before it hated you. 19If ye were of the world, the world would love its own: but because ye are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 15:18
I have heard many Christians say that they cannot understand how their own friends can suddenly turn against them, or that instead of being appreciated for the good things they do, they receive criticisms and ingratitude. Some went on to say that after they became Christians, they have experienced so many trials and tribulations.
Receiving the gift of salvation does not mean instant blessings in other areas of our lives. Christ did not say that life will be easy for us once we accept Him as our Savior. Once we follow in His footsteps, it is understandable that the world will hate us also. He himself experienced persecutions for bringing the truth into this world. His enemies saw him do nothing but good. They saw Him perform miracles, heal the sick, minister to the poor and preach the gospel of salvation. But because they hated Him, they falsely accused Him and sent Him to die in Calvary.
Living in obedience to our Lord will bring the same hatred into our lives. The world before Christ came is like a world without the sun. When the light of Christ came to shine on it, those who thrived in darkness were exposed and naturally, they resented that. Light and darkness cannot co-exist. The more we live our lives in obedience to the God of light and truth the more opposition we can expect from the forces of darkness. And as the world surely and steadfastly embraces a life of sin, the more it will hate anyone who lives a Christ-like life.
Having heeded the call of Christ, let us not feel down-hearted when we experience trials and persecutions. Getting criticized or being hated for living the faith in all obedience and sincerity should be taken as a sign that we are being more Christ-like in our attitude. And although we should not expect to be shielded from them, we can take courage from the provisions that Christ made for his followers before He ascended to heaven –He sent the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will enable us to continue to walk in the light until Christ comes again.
Let us continue to do good then and not let the opposition deflect us from our calling. We were called, not to be ministered upon but to minister to the needy. Be strong and take courage, for Christ will be with us, even unto the end of the world.