Monday, February 14, 2005


I just read the post from my Bible Study Group on the web. One of the guys had a sister-in-law who had a triple by-pass surgery and he was asking for prayers. That was yesterday. Just this morning, I had another post and she is on her way to recovery. Amazing what modern science can do. There was a time when people will laugh if you tell them that hearts can be “repaired”, but nowadays, heart surgery sounds just like another surgical procedure.

But how does one mend a broken heart? A heart that has been trampled, forsaken, messed up, betrayed? Don’t you just wish it’s as simple to find a cure for this malady? One simple stroke from a surgeon’s knife, and everything is well again? How come a person who had a triple by-pass can survive and live normally again, when a person with a broken heart has to walk like a walking wounded, or even like a zombie? Have you heard the saying that no one dies of a broken heart? True, not possible if what you're thinking is a literal death. But parts of a man whose heart has been broken dies a kind of death. The death of trust, the death of the ability to feel again, the death of hopes and dreams. The worst death of all.

So let us tread softly, lest we trample someone’s heart.