If somebody had told me that being a Christian would take me along a lonely road at times, I would have laughed on his face. The day I was born again was the greatest, most triumphant moment in my life. Everything looked and felt new. I cannot explain the feeling, but I think I had this notion that being a new creature meant that everything was going to be nice and easy.
For a while it was. Until I had to make difficult choices that tested my faith to the limit. I had to leave some of my friends behind. I had to choose which things I can do and not do anymore. I had to make decisions that were not so popular with the people I love. I had to spend more time in church and less time with my friends.
When I started working, I had to put ambition to the back burner if it meant giving up the chance to go church on Sundays or any of my responsibilities as a volunteer Christian worker. The people in my social circle have dropped off one by one, they couldn't understand me anymore. I had to accept that having been reborn meant putting on a new nature, a nature that is not in keeping with the company I keep, or what I used to say and do. I had to entirely revise my way of thinking, and accept that things cannot remain as they are. If I have chosen to walk with God, I must choose to follow Him, no matter what the cost.
I have met new friends, prayed for my old ones, seen and heard that some of these old friends are now walking the same walk as I do and I have rejoiced. I have matured some in my faith and giving up something instead of compromising my beliefs is no longer a major issue for I have learned to see clearly where I want to go. I still walk a lonely walk sometimes, but realizing that my God walks along with me in my loneliness is a great comfort. For you only think you are alone, but in fact, you are not, for God will not forsake or leave you.