1:59 AM. I have gone to bed twice, only to get up again after tossing and turning and failing to fall asleep. Darn, I have to get up really early because the movers will be here around 8am and I have some final checking to do. Yep, you got it right. I’m moving house.
Maybe I’m overly tired, and that usually keeps me awake instead of knocking me off to oblivion. Or maybe I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, trying to figure out some questions about life that don’t have any answers at all and I’m just too plain foolish to take those thoughts to bed. Maybe it ‘s JB tickling me and telling funny stories before she finally fell asleep that has left me wide awake. Maybe…….
Too many maybes. I need to sleep so I will be ready for the big move tomorrow. Oooppss. Not so big. I’m just moving a few blocks from here. What’s big is the packing and the unpacking that is the obvious sequel to that.
What am I doing rambling like this at now past 2 in the morning?
Sigh! It wouldn’t have been so bad if I could turn out a piece of exceptionally riveting story to post in my blog. Or if Steve is not at therapy and we can chat for a while.
Maybe I’m really too tired to fall asleep. My body is crying out for a much-needed rest but my brain is clicking away and refusing to shut down. I keep seeing a slide show of the things I have to do tomorrow. And it’s making me more tired than ever. Help!!!!
The one thing that is making me happy about this move is the bigger kitchen and I get a better view of Mt. Makiling when I take walks.
Maybe a glass of warm milk will help. Darn, I have packed everything except a bottle of sparkling water in the fridge. 2:33Am. I should be so lucky to grab a couple of hours sleep. But I’ll try. I will really try. Yeah, who am I kidding? Might as well do some last minute check if the clothes cabinets are really empty. 
Another darn! I have been sitting here alternately pounding on the keyboard and staring into space when I have to unhinge the kitchen door from the jamb so the movers can get the fridge out. It will never go through if I don’t remove the door. Hon, help!!!!