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We were stuck in the traffic for two hours. It was hot, noisy and the pollution must have hit 10 in a scale of ten. When we got to Waltermart, it was already dark and we zoomed through our shopping and I forgot to buy some really important stuff. JB was so tired and thirsty she walked into one of the fast food shops near the exit to buy a cold drink. That night, we went to bed at almost 12 midnight. I must have only been asleep for 5 minutes when Ma was shaking me awake and telling me with a trembling voice that she found JB on the kitchen floor. I hurried out of my bedroom and saw my girl crumpled in a heap on the floor bawling like a baby. She was throwing up like crazy and she could barely move, her hair sticky from sweat and her small face damp with tears of pain and fear. I thought she was having one of her allergic reactions to some food, like she had an Ice Cream Float, and I thought that might have been the culprit. I gave her Plasil to stop her from throwing up. That seemed to do the trick, or so I thought. She slept for a bit, until 3am, and then woke up retching . I didn't have a car, and I couldn't drive anyway even if I did, so I called my sister to come and help me. We rented a car and JB was brought to the hospital. She was on IV the minute she got admitted. She was almost dehydrated, her lips cracking. She had to go through so many laboratory tests and the doctor said she had a blood infection, caused by some kind of bacteria. More tests were done and her tummy was found to be inflamed. Food poisoning. She was immediately put on antibiotics, her tummy flushed clean of any remaining poisoned food, and finally, we were rest assured by the doctor that she will get better. Right now, she is still taking antibiotics. She is on soft diet and needing a lot of attention. She will be missing school this week, recovering and regaining her strength, but we truly thank God that we have thought to immediately take her to the hospital or everything could have been worse. Food poisoning causes death because more often than not, people don't bring victims to the hospital right away. They try home remedies because of so many reasons. I'm glad JB is getting a lot better, still weak but on the road to recovery.