Got a new, faster PC and I love it.

Just great for my graphics, 2.21 GHZ, 2 gigs of ram, 250 gigs HD, It has a better video card than my last one, too. It supports multi-texturing, pixel buffer, shadow map and aliasing. Rendering is a breeze. At least I think so. It used to take me half an hour to render from my last PC, but it only takes a few minutes now to render something really complicated. I'm very pleased. I have been doing graphics all day. Actually it was a way to keep myself out of my bed because I feel sick. A bad cold and aching bones from all the cleaning and scrubbing after the storm. I didn't want to go to bed because I know that once I get to lie down, I will feel even more sick. So I entertained myself with my graphics, but now I've got a headache to top the cold and aching bones. Bah.

Flu won't get me this time. I just took a cold tablet and vitamin C, and ate a big apple for lunch.
Mitch, eat your heart out. My Adobe CS3 loads really fast. My Daz Studio too, even if it has too many runtimes.

I don't know about POSER yet, I still have to install it. But I'm quite content with taking it easy for now with Daz.But, darn, I really do need my bed, I think.

My head is throbbing and my throat hurts.
Awww... I need my bed. I don't feel too good.