Went shopping with my brother who is visiting from Canada. Shopping, what a waste of time. You spend so many hours walking in and out of stores while your wallet slowly empties itself out. I spotted a chair and sat down to rest my weary feet. I should have brought a book, but I didn't think of it, so I people-watched instead while the rest of my companions continued to shop.
After a while, I noticed this guy who was stealing glances at me, and that has got me worried. I stared at him and he looked away. I pretended to look elsewhere but continued to watch him from my peripheral vision. He was staring at me again. I looked him straight in the eyes and he blushed. Wow! Amazing! Probably thinking I have caught him anyway, he started sauntering in my direction. My heart started palpitating. He could be a holdupper, or a call boy, or any kind of undesirable that frequents the mall! Hmmm... do holduppers or call boys still blush? I put my right hand inside my shorts' pocket where I have my Swiss knife. You know, just in case I might need it. But before I could draw it out, he was right there in front of me. I brazened it out and tried to freeze him with a cold stare.
"Hey, you've been staring at me on and off for the last few minutes. You are pissing me off."
"I'm sorry", he replied in a high, thin voice. "I didn't mean to offend you, but I think you are wearing the loveliest shade of lipstick and I wanted to ask where you got it. I can't seem to find just that right shade of pink."
Oh, my gosh, it was all I could do not to break down laughing. He's gay!
Well, I didn't need a book after all. This guy, (or should I say gay) and I spent about half an hour of fun exchanging make-over tips , and yes, I gave him information on where to get the best selections of lipstick.
As we said goodbye, I can't help thinking that we shouldn't really judge a book by its cover.