Leslie was sitting on the bed, reverently touching the lace bridal gown that was spread out before her. She lovingly traced the intricate beadwork that adorned the bodice, a sweet smile playing on her lips. Glen insisted that she had this gown made to her personal specifications and not to worry about the cost. He wants the best for his beautiful bride-to-be.
In three days, the wedding will take place. After a stormy six months of courtship, Leslie has finally agreed to marry Glen. Jane, Leslie’s sister is now very busy making preparations for the wedding, the highlight of which, aside from the wedding itself is the dance the night before.
The pre-wedding dance. She has almost forgotten about that. Leslie laughed softly. She could almost picture in her mind the way her relatives will compete with Glen’s to outdo each other for the money dance. The couple has a special dance when relatives of the pride will pin peso bills on the grooms clothes, and vise-versa. Of course it will be a contest of who is able to raise the greater amount of money. It is a matter of honor, and Leslie was sure Glen’s relative will never countenance losing face in this affair. Well, it will be a blessing and will help start off their married life. The money can be set aside for when they start building a house before the children come.
“Leslie, come out here. The florist wants to know if you are okay with the flower arrangements for the church...” that was Jane, her sister.
“Okay, I’ll be out in a sec. Just let me hang my wedding gown so it will not crease.”
“Hey, don’t ever try to try that on. Or something will happen to prevent the wedding.” Jane firmly said.
“I won’t, I promise!” People could be so superstitious, Leslie mused. Where do they get all these ideas? With a last look at the now hanging wedding gown, Leslie sauntered out of the room to talk with the florist.
The night of the dance came. Leslie sparkled. She was so beautiful in a long white dress shot with silver that hugged her body to perfection. Her hair was caught up in a knot on the top of her head, wispy tendrils caressing her flushed cheeks. Glen could barely take his eyes off her, this girl-woman that has captured his heart. With a sudden surge of tenderness, he caught her close to him, once again making a promise to himself that he will do everything humanly possible to make her happy.
At 12 midnight, Jane made the couple leave the dance so that they can rest and be fresh for their wedding day. Glen walked Leslie to the house. He didn’t want to let her go, this precious and beloved woman. But he must control himself, tomorrow; Leslie will be Mrs. Glen Sebastian Blanco. He smiled down at her sparkling eyes and bent slowly to give her a tender kiss full of promise.
“Tomorrow,” he promised.
“Tomorrow,” Leslie echoed.
Leslie was in a daze. Life is so beautiful, she thought. Somehow, she was able to hang the beautiful dress beside her wedding gown, and in fifteen minutes, she was ready for bed. As she passed the full length mirror, she saw her reflection and stopped to look for a moment. What she saw was a young woman whose rosy skin was still moist from her shower, her long black hair flowing in a shimmering mane down her back. Her face, scrubbed clean of all vestige of make up looks so innocent, like a school girl. She wrinkled her nose and blew a kiss at her reflection.
Leslie woke up with a start. She has this uncanny feeling that someone is in the darkened room with her. Her heart started beating a tattoo against her chest, her breath was coming in broken gasps. Unreasoning fear swept through her, rendering her body paralyzed. When a heavy weight settled on the bed by her side, she broke out from the stupor and tried to roll on the other side. But strong fingers grabbed her arm, and a hand covered her mouth. She stared up at the beady eyes gleaming with evil. Her mother’s fourth husband.
“NO! NOT AGAIN!” Leslie screamed silently.
The day of the wedding dawned bright and sunny. A good omen, Jane thought. But what is keeping Leslie in bed? She has to get ready or she will be late. With a cup of coffee on one hand, Jane knocked on Leslie’s door and waited for Leslie to answer. When she didn’t, Jane pushed the door open.
“Hey Les, get up, girl. You have to get ready. I brought you a cup of coffee to wake you up.”
As she neared the bed, she gave a laugh that was half amusement and half exasperation. Leslie was lying on the bed dressed in her wedding gown. She looked so young and beautiful.
“Hey, Les, get up or you will get that gown badly creased.” When Leslie didn’t move, Jane bent down to give her a shake. As she did so, her eyes fell on an empty bottle of sleeping pills. Jane’s heart started hammering. With a premonition that was bordering on panic, she took hold of Leslie’s ice cold wrist to feel for a pulse. Nothing. Jane’s fingers loosened on the coffee cup that she hasn’t noticed she was still clutching. If fell with a dull thud, the coffee spreading into an ever widening pool on the white carpet. She stared stupidly as the liquid slowly sipped into the carpet. Then she gave a shrill scream that resonated with grief and desolation.