Mitch, eat your heart out. My Adobe CS3 loads really fast. My Daz Studio too, even if it has too many runtimes.
Awww... I need my bed. I don't feel too good.
I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I finally got up and stood in front of the open window. For a change, a cool breeze is blowing from the field, caressing my hot face and soothing my spirit. It was dark and peaceful outside. I can see dim lights from my neighbors’ windows spilling into the street. I wonder if everyone is sleeping or if there is someone like me somewhere out there, trying to slip into the blessed oblivion of temporary relief from the hustle of just surviving everyday life. Will they succeed, or just wait for morning to break? Like me.
So I put the kettle on to boil some water and stared out of the big kitchen window. The street is dark, but there’s a post spilling a yellow circle of light to a limited area. The big, 3- storey house across from the vacant lot slumbers quietly like a gothic creature, a round window illuminated by a red light from inside making it look like a malevolent eye, watching and planning to snare an innocent passerby. Maybe a blood-sucker resides there, maybe a mad scientist trying to bring back his dead wife back to life, maybe------ shoots, the whistling kettle made me jump a foot high.
That was bad, making up horror stories when it’s so dark and quiet.
Oh, maybe that’s it. Old age creeping in on me and leaving me sleepless. I’m adding another year to my age, but am I worried? Not me. Age is a state of mind, and I don’t have a mind. Ha-ha! Okay, that’s a joke in case you haven’t figured it out.
God is good. Life is good. Things couldn’t get any better than this, but I have a feeling they will.
I have always had trouble sleeping and I remember countless nights that I spent writing, cleaning up the house or watching cable TV when everyone else sleeps. Steve thinks that my sleeping habit is kind of weird. I don’t take afternoon naps and when I finally fall asleep, usually after midnight, I’ll be up again around 4 or 5 am.
I have been trying to force myself to sleep normally. I mean normal as in 8 hours like most people. It’s an uphill battle. Like my brain has a will of its own- it won’t send “ZZZZZZZZZ” signals to my body at the right time and when I finally sleep, it electrifies me into waking up much too early.
I remember I was the same as a child. We three girls shared a room, and both Thess and Cita will be dead to the world while I kept awake and gave my imagination free rein in creating colorful and magical stories. We lived in the heart of
I remember that to the left of our unit was a Chinese restaurant and to the right was a medical clinic. I would hear Papa’s employees talking about the Chinese restaurant making siopao out of cats and mice. I would listen to them with rounded eyes while my heart was silently breaking for the poor cats. Never mind the mice, I hate them. And so they continued to say that the doctor thought it would be good business to put a clinic next door to catch all the patients coming out of the restaurant. They would guffaw and slap each other on the back while they talk about those things.
So the next night, I will make up stories on the ceiling about the mad Chinese chef trapping the cats and throwing them in a boiling cauldron. He will then cook a beautiful dish for the unsuspecting restaurant patrons and they will grow whiskers and will run off screaming from the restaurant with their hands on their aching tummies. I see the doctor with an avid glint in his eyes, ushering them in his clinic to cut off their whiskers and to sell them potions for the tummy ache.
I thought my story was an account of the truth, until I stopped a customer coming out of the restaurant to ask if he needed a doctor. Tinoy, one of the employees grabbed me and apologized to the man, and then proceeded to lecture me about not listening to the other men telling tall tales. Darn, how was I to know, with my 7 year old mind that grown up men can also make up stories?
To this day, I would lay awake at night, staring at the ceiling and thinking about all sorts of stuff- serious stuff like building a good future for my family, dreaming about a better life for everyone. The difference is I also listen with one ear if someone is trying to break in through the front door. These are hard times and anything is possible.
I could only surmise that my sleeping pattern is as normal as it can be for me. I survived my childhood so I will probably survive now. The culprit is most likely, my overactive imagination. Last time I heard, there is still no cure for it.
Sometimes, I look at myself in the mirror and think what a fraud I am. I stand there, looking cool and collected, master of my fate, scared of nothing. A woman in control, that's what it tells me, that lying mirror!
I know it's lying because when I look inside my mind, I see an entirely different image of myself. I see a woman walking around with raw nerves exposed. One tiny word, one innocent action and the nerves cringe in extreme pain.
And so I start to imagine myself donning a thicker skin. Maybe something like an armadillo. A thick bony shell that will protect the nerves and keep them from hurting. I see myself walking in that armor, oblivious to everything and anything. Undisturbed, protected.
(Sigh.). Some things are not that easy in real life. I have never learned to protect myself. I always leave myself open to things that could hurt like crazy. It is said that you get the worst heartache from the people you love the most. I think so too. It's the worst kind of pain. It's something that could knock your world sideways.
The only solution? Don't love anyone. (Sigh.). Some things are just meant to happen. Love is one of them. Love for family, love for your partner, love for your neighbors... And you can't keep love to yourself. You can't really say you have love until you give it away. And it's bound to hurt you at one time or another. And love doesn't even ask if you want it or not. It just happens without a by your leave. The mysteries of life, huh?
Anyone finds a cure for it, let me know.
Mitch and I were chatting this afternoon on YM. It was hot and everything was moving in slow motion. I was glad when Mitch texted me to say she’s online and we can chat like we always do when she gets the chance to get connected.
The first thing she said was---
What???? You see no connection????
I just wanted to say it.
I was a novice when it comes to cooking. I know just the very basic like fried eggs, fried chicken, fried fish and other food that just needs to be fried. However, when I met Steve, I knew it was essential that I should learn to cook. He is a great cook and he can come up with amazing dishes even when it’s almost like time to go grocery shopping again. You know--- when the fridge is almost empty, and the cupboard needs restocking. He would check what’s left and he can whip up something from the “stragglers” that is sure to whet the appetite. I would watch him cook, awed at the ingenuity and expertise. He would talk about the different cuts of meat, how long they need to be cooked, what spices go well with what, how he would mix fruits and veggies in the salads.
1:59 AM. I have gone to bed twice, only to get up again after tossing and turning and failing to fall asleep. Darn, I have to get up really early because the movers will be here around 8am and I have some final checking to do. Yep, you got it right. I’m moving house.
Another darn! I have been sitting here alternately pounding on the keyboard and staring into space when I have to unhinge the kitchen door from the jamb so the movers can get the fridge out. It will never go through if I don’t remove the door. Hon, help!!!!
Life is so simple when you are a child. A word is taken at face value, no hidden meanings and no complications. It’s so easy to be happy, and so easy to recover from disappointments.
I’m looking at things much differently now. Yes, life has become so much more complicated. Age has something to do with that I suppose. Attitude, maturity , the need for a more meaningful existence and maybe the influence of the past, too, have all helped in shaping up a new way of looking at things It would have been so much easier to have retained the simplicity of a child and the simple way of coping with life.
Even occasions for celebration have become different. Christmas has become less important than the New Year. The new clothes and festive meals have lost their appeal. When before lechon and morcon were the very essence of the Noche Buena, now they have become a means to unwanted pounds, clogged arteries and all sorts of middle age sickness. New clothes? Nah. Maybe for my nieces, Mitch and JB.
My Christmas and the New Year now means celebrating with my loved ones. A time to gather in the family home, to have quiet moments of just catching up with what the others have been up to for the past year. A time to pray for strength and guidance for another year of battling for survival in this crumbling world. A time to reaffirm the love and affection, to show each other that you will always be there when you are needed. Never mind cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Never mind dressing up in spanking attires enough to shame royalties. Love, loyalty, self-sacrifice, faith. That is what Christmas is all about.
It’s too late now to greet all of you a Merry Christmas and too early for next Christmas. But I still wish you all the best for the coming year. Sorry for the cluttered way I wrote this blog. The end of the year has sent me into a binge of introspection and I wrote this entry with no thought for form and style. Don’t go getting a headache trying to figure out where I’m coming from.