Friday, February 11, 2005


What is a friend? According to the dictionary A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts; an acquaintance, person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade, one who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement. But each of us has his own definition of ”friend” that is more intimate, more clear-cut.

For me, a friend is a trusted companion, one who is not afraid to show me his or her real self, warts and all.

A friend is a person one can sit with quietly, not feeling that there is a necessity for words, because the silence is already a manifestation of the perfect accord that is ever present in the relationship.

A friend is someone who is willing to listen to you until you are talked out, but is not afraid to talk back and has no fear in pointing out the rights and wrongs of your stand.

A friend is someone you can be comfortable with, someone who wouldn’t mind if he sees you with your hair like a bird’s nest, or that you are wearing your oldest dressing gown shot with holes.

A friend is someone you wouldn’t mind seeing you emotionally naked.

A friend is someone you can count on to laugh at your corny jokes or share private ones with.

A friend is someone who sometimes leaves and stays away for a long time, but you still feel the warmth of his presence in spite of his absence.

A friend is someone who will stand by you when everyone else has walked away.

A friend is someone who will let you share his burdens.

A friend is someone willing to share your joys and sorrows, your failures and victories.

A friend is someone who will not be embarrassed to tell you that your slip is showing or that you have spinach between your teeth.

A friend is the first person you think of on special occasions.

A friend can be anyone – your parents, siblings, children, your lover, even your dog.